Portrait of Chris Leitch

Chris Leitch

29 Years Experience

Chris Leitch

Director Of Life and Benefits
About Chris

Chris Leitch was born in Fredericksburg, VA and moved to Chesterfield in 1985. After graduating from Manchester High School in 1987, Chris was given a full scholarship to Virginia Commonwealth University where he majored in Music Education.

While at VCU he started playing keyboards and trombone in local and regional bands like Fighting Gravity and Groove Spot.

Chris met his wife, Michelle Duffie while in High School and maintained 'friendship status' until they were married in 1993, and after 27 years they are still married and have 2 children and 1 dog. Chris's insurance career started in 1993 in the operations department at the Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust.

Next he worked as a file clerk and claims adjuster at Sentry Insurance, but his passion was for sales because he saw it as a good way to help people sort out complicated insurance matters. Chris has a philosophy that he tries to practice daily, 'Give someone more in use value than you take from them in cash value'. Here at The Springer Agency, we try to do that with everyone we meet.

Licensed since

Virginia - Life and Health
North Carolina - Life and Health