Do what you love, and it will never feel like work
Chris Leitch
Here is what I was taught when I was younger.
- 1. If you work hard you will achieve your goals.
- 2. Find your purpose, and your vocation becomes your vacation.
- 3. Do what you love, and it will never feel like work.
- 4. Find something you are good at doing, and then figure out a way to make money doing it.
These statements work to get you directed to an end point, but as one's goals are reached a new set of self-defining
statements will be needed to justify your day-to-day actions. As people age up
they will increase their experience points
in life, and this will change the way they view and interact with the world.
New Mindset:
What if people focused on a life's task instead of life's purpose? This lens of looking at life’s happenings will shift the focus away from the Big Picture
and more onto the work that is needed to be done. Life's journey instead of life's mission.
The technological age has tried to replace flesh and blood with electricity and wires, and this is starting to make us weary, apathetic, and sleepy. For me, apathy sets in because I can't read the nonverbal
cues of my laptop. Everything is at our fingertips for quick answers and instantaneous gratification, but we don't have to work to find it. In my opinion, we are forgetting and losing distinct human traits of social intelligence. We are evolving into something that isn’t human (right now), and can't be sustained with our current trajectory.
At The Springer Agency, we have a collection of over 141 years of insurance experience amongst our employees. We have embraced technology as a tool and not a rule for human interaction. With a steady focus on the task of building the best protection packages for our clients and helping navigate the ever changing
rules and regulations of the insurance business, we understand that people have questions about their insurance coverages and look to us for guidance.