In Times Square with thousands of strangers or in your living room with close friends, ring in the new year with a party. Just make sure to follow several tips that keep your New Year's Eve celebration healthy and safe.
Drink Responsibly -If you're planning to drink, do not drive.
Handle Food Safely- Appetizers, hors d'oeuvre and snacks keep the party going. Heat food adequately and refrigerate leftovers promptly, though, to prevent food poisoning.
Navigate Crowds- Whether you're a guy or gal, grab a friend and travel in a group for safety. Keep an eye on your surroundings, never go anywhere with strangers and never leave your beverage unattended.
Drive Carefully- Winter weather can make roads slippery, particularly when you travel after dark. Drive carefully as you leave early, go slow and maintain a safe distance from other vehicles.
Ban Guns and Fireworks- Stick with noise makers and sparklers if you need special effects on New Year's Eve.
Ringing in the new year is a fun tradition. Use these tips to keep the party, your guests and you safe and healthy. Remember, you are responsible for your guest!
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